Ferdous received a grant for his project titled ‘After Rana Plaza’, which centers on the surviving relatives of those killed in the tragic 2013 collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory.
On how he hopes the award impacts the lives of those in his series Ferdous told In Sight:
“I have to be honest here, with respect to photojournalism, we are no longer living in a time where a photograph is going to stop a war, and the world is more complex now, politically speaking. But I still strongly believe that photographs can have big impacts on people since photography is a language that everyone can read and has a power to educate people and create awareness about issues. I think this is the right time in photojournalism to build awareness through social networks like Instagram because it reaches audiences in high volumes and brings issues into people’s back pocket. Eventually that awareness might create a push to change about an important issue which is not the headline of newspaper.”
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